Disability Resources

Access support, services, and benefits through various program and organizations committed to meeting the diverse needs of people living with disabilities.

This is a community-generated guide — are we missing anyone or anything? Is any of the information out of date, inaccurate, or incorrect? Does your agency or organization belong on this webpage, too? Still have questions or need resources, and not sure where to go next? Please let us know.

Cerebral Palsy Guidance (CPG) is doctor reviewed and covers everything from medical treatment to topics like therapy, human rights, inclusion, mental health, culture, education, careers and more.

Gateway Association is a Family Resource Centre (FRC) and an Employment Resource (ERC) Centre that provides education, family support, mentorship and inclusive employment.

CMHA Edmonton is the leading community mental health organization in the region, delivering key services in the areas of mental health support, education and training, wayfinding, and collective action.

Chrysalis offers personalized services designed to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities while providing meaningful opportunities for growth and community inclusion.

Safe Exit