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Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Before emailing or calling us, as we receive a high volume of requests daily, please check to see if the answer to your question is listed. If not, or if you require further support or assistance, please reach out to us during our public hours. 


Youth Support

Trans and Nonbinary Supports

Refugee Supports

Pride Centre of Edmonton Involvement



Pride Parade/Readings


Youth Support

How do I support my non-binary and/or gender-creative child? 

The most important step in supporting your trans, non-binary or gender-diverse child is to affirm and validate their identity throughout this journey! 

For a more comprehensive guide, check out these online supports from Supportive Parents, an extension of The altView Foundation. Further resources can be found on the Gender Creative Kids webpage. 

For reading material, checkout this booklist from the Human Right Campaign Foundation’s Welcoming Schools initiative

Locally owned bookstore Audreys Books  also has a wonderful selection of books including A Kids Book About Being Transgender, A Kids Book About Being Nonbinary, and A Kids Book About Gender. 

Developing support systems for yourself and your child is also very important! Camp Dragonfly is a locally-run initiative that brings gender-diverse children together both virtually and in-person

How can I access counseling for my minor child without consent from the other parent?

Since counselling is provided at the Pride Centre through The Family Centre, consent from both parents is required. However, we encourage parents to contact us or drop-in during our public hours to discuss this matter further. 

An important note is that all required paperwork is provided directly by The Family Centre and does not make any reference to its partnership with the Pride Centre. 

What support is available for queer, trans, non-binary, or gender-diverse youth? 

We offer weekly programming for 2SLGBTQI+ youth, ages 13 to 24, in Edmonton and the greater area. QueerOUT takes place every Wednesday evening, generally from 5 – 7 pm, on Discord. To get connected, email youth@pridecentreofedmonton.ca.

Trans and Nonbinary Supports

How can I access binders and other gender-affirming gear at the Pride Centre?

New and gently-used binders are offered at no charge to community members. You can access this resource by emailing your estimated size and/or measurements to sk.gender@pridecentreofedmonton.ca

If your size range is not available, you will be placed on a waitlist and notified when more stock is available. If your size-range is available, we will ask you to come in during our public hours to try binders on. If possible, we recommend bringing someone in to help you wth the measurements. Currently, we do not ship binders as it is extremely important for health and safety reasons that the sizing be accurate. 

For more information, check out our Binder Exchange Program webpage. 

Other gender-affirming gear is available but limited. Please call or email us to confirm what products we have on hand. 

How can I access HRT and what is the cost?

We recommend reaching out to The Wellness Centre, which services gender diverse community members in Edmonton and Northern Alberta through every step of their journey, regarding inquiries or help accessing hormone replacement therapy.

The cost of HRT and other gender-affirming treatments vary. Alberta Health Services provides an explanation of what is covered and where certain treatments can be accessed

The Trans Wellness Initiative has compiled testimonials from folks in Alberta who are receiving HRT as well as advice on how to talk about it with family and loved ones. 

How do I legally change my name and my corresponding identification?

Skipping Stone is a fantastic organization in Calgary for trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse folks! Its team has put together a comprehensive document all about name changes and IDs in Alberta. 

The Trans ID Clinic by U of A Student Legal Services offers free assistance to all Edmonton-area residents 18+ seeking to change their names and gender markers. Click here to learn more about their services or inquire about opening a file with them.

We also have name changing guides available at the Pride Centre! Please email us at hello@pridecentreofedmonton.ca to learn more. 

How and where can I access gender affirming voice training?

Unfortunately this service is difficult to access in Edmonton and Alberta.

Skipping Stone offers trans-led virtual and in person Affirming Voice Classes. Classes run in 9 week cycles. To join the waitlist, click here.

The Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital offers this service but the waitlist can be quite long.

 TransVoiceLessons on YouTube also has a variety of free training videos

Refugee Support

What support is available for newcomers and refugees?

The PCE provides support for newcomers and refugees through our partnership with the Edmonton Newcomer Centre. Our co-organized program LGTBQ+ Newcomers & Refugees Edmonton is a community-based initiative that provides grassroots social  support for queer, trans, queer allies, and gender-diverse people living in Edmonton as immigrants, refugees, refugee claimants.

The PCE is unable to provide funds for refugees and newcomers, however, we are able to provide community support and information & referral services. Support and membership letters are dependent upon our capacity limitations.

Pride Centre of Edmonton Involvement 

What health safety measures are in place?

The PCE team takes precautions to prevent the spread of illness. We are a mask-friendly space. Please stay home if you have an illness that is contagious. 

What types of donations is the PCE accepting?

We are always accepting monetary donations,  brand-new or gently used binders, other gender-affirming gear, and toiletries.

Other donations vary on demand. We do not accept donations of CDs and DVDs. Please reach out to hello@pridecentreofedmonton.ca if you have a specific donation inquiry.

We never accept open packages of makeup, sanitary products, or food. 

How do I become a PCE Member?

If you are looking to become a member of the Pride Centre of Edmonton, please email us at hello@pridecentreofedmonton.ca. Memberships cost $25 per person.

We currently do not have digital membership cards. All cards can be collected in-person. 

Memberships are not required to participate in programming but do provide access to our library and voting in our Annual General Meeting. 

How do I become a PCE board member?

If you would like to become a board member, please reach out to boardmember1@pridecentreofedmonton.ca. All individuals interested in joining our board must be a PCE member. 

How do I volunteer at the PCE?

If you are interested in becoming a PCE volunteer please reach out to hello@pridecentreofedmonton.ca for more information. 

How do I fundraise on behalf of the PCE?

Firstly, thank you for your interest in supporting the work we do at the Pride Centre of Edmonton. As a non-profit organization, we rely heavily on the support of donors and volunteers. Before you begin your fundraiser, please fill out our 3rd Party Fundraising agreement form and shoot us an email at hello@pridecentreofedmonton.ca so we can share! 

What are your hours of operation?

Our all ages public drop-in hours are every Tuesday, from 2 – 6:30 pm, and Thursday, from 5 – 6:30 pm. For our full programming schedule, please see our Program Directory

Surveys / Services

I have a survey I’d like you to share / a resource to add to your website

We receive many requests to share surveys but due to capacity limitations, we cannot share every single one. Surveys that receive priority from the PCE are those that offer honorariums to all participants and counselling or mental-health check-ins. 

As per resources, we only share those that are located locally or can be accessed online and are applicable to our community. Resources must be verified and from a reliable source. While we appreciate you reaching out and wanting to share more with our community, the PCE reserves the right to withhold any information if deemed unnecessary, inappropriate, unreliable, or not of significant relevance. 

Can the Pride Centre of Edmonton refer me to a doctor/specialist/treatment provider?

The PCE does not make appointments or referrals on behalf of community members. We can however connect you with all the information you need to access these resources. 

Are STIs checks available at the Pride Centre of Edmonton? 

We do not currently offer this service because of limited capacity but you can access STI checks at HIV Edmonton and the Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinic


Are there gender-affirming churches in Edmonton?

For 2SLGBTQI+ folks looking for gender-affirming churches or religious groups, please see Rainbow Page’s directory, or see Robertson Wesley United Church’s Affirming Churches List. A note that these churches have not been vetted by the Pride Centre.

How do I meet other queer people? Start dating?

The Pride Centre of Edmonton does not provide dating related services. For those looking to build more platonic and romantic relationships, we recommend volunteering, attending local events, and/or meeting people through online platforms. 

Can you help me find a roommate? 

While the Pride Centre of Edmonton understands the severity of safe and supportive housing for 2SLGBTQI+ folks, we do not have the capacity to connect people with roommates.

Where can I find pride merch?

We recommend checking out The Quiltbag for all your pride merch needs! You can shop locally at their storefront in Edmonton or online at thequiltbag.gay

Pride Parade/Readings

When is the Pride Parade coming back? 

Edmonton’s annual Pride Parade was never the Pride Centre’s undertaking, although our team did participate. Rather, it was hosted by The Pride Festival Society which is currently inactive. We do not have any further information regarding the reinstating of the Pride Parade or The Pride Festival Society.

Looking for queer reading material? 

The Pride Centre of Edmonton has the largest 2SLGBTQI+ library in Alberta including a Young Adult section. Please reach out to hello@pridecentreofedmonton.ca for more information.


Safe Exit